Welcome to 职业规划与探索 at Mott 社区 College. 该部门 of 咨询 和 学生发展 is committed to providing our students with 职业规划与探索 strategies 和 innovated tools to assist your individualized career goals that meet your interests, skill levels, personal values, lifestyle 和 经济目标.
职业规划与探索 can be both informal through a self-guided approach or through formal approaches that are guided by an MCC Career Counselor. 我们鼓励 our MCC students to take advantage of our counselor guided 职业规划与探索, however we’ve also provided a self-guided approach to 职业规划与探索 也.
Career assessments provide students with a way to learn more about how well a variety 职业可能适合他们的个人喜好. 有各种不同的 types of assessments which can be based on interest, skills, or work values.
Typically, an assessment asks you to answer questions about what you like, don't like, 什么对你来说是重要的,你的优势是什么. 记住评估 被用作指导,没有经过科学验证.
Since assessment results may relate to hundreds of different occupations, don't panic 如果你的求职结果中包含了你不感兴趣的职业. 专家建议 you take more than one assessment to broaden your ideas before you decide.
After completing interest, skill, 和 work value assessments, you can begin a more 重点职业探索活动. 职业探索策略包括回顾 和 researching career clusters 和 career profiles that align with your self-assessment 特征和属性. Most 生涯探索 activities are based on underst和ing the typical job responsibilities within that career; knowledge, skills 和 abilities 和 personality traits commonly found in that career 场; technology 和 software skills commonly found in that career 场; minimum education requirements; 也 as a job outlook including average salary, job availability 和 common locations that 这个职业领域位于.
免费的 自我评价 和 生涯探索 可透过以下连结浏览:
Careers have a wide range of academic/degree requirements. 有些职业需要高级 degrees, such as a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degrees, while some careers may only require a High School diploma, certificate of achievement 和/or State or 联邦政府的许可. It is an important step in the 职业规划与探索 phase that you research any educational requirements that are required in that career 场.
下面提供的是美国就业市场的职业链接.美国劳工统计局确定 to be the educational level 和 experience typically needed for individuals entering 特定的职业:
决策: Once you’ve identified your academic planning research, it is time to for the decision-making 过程. The decision-making 过程 is an individual 和 personal 过程, but you 是否应该做出明智和可实现的决定. 为了做出有质量的决定, it is important that you’ve gathered all relevant information, weigh the information that is the most important to you, 和 identify any possible alternative for your decision in the case that your initial decision must shift. 一旦这些步骤完成, 是时候对你的决定采取行动了.
Further information on Decision Making can be found here:
Now that you’ve made a decision, it’s time to take action on those decisions. 采取 行动实际上是从反思开始的. 也就是说,在采取行动之前,重新审视你的 goals 和 ask yourself, “why is this important to me 和 my goals?“你的下一步 is to write down these action steps to provide yourself with an action-oriented list. Please remember that as you make progress on your action, that you may need to add additional steps or may need to revisit your alternative plans. 另一个做法是 hold yourself accountable to taking action is to tell a family member or a friend 你的计划. You may find this to be insightful, inspirational 和 be motivated to 继续你的行动计划.
This is not an easy 过程, so prepare yourself for internal push back. 通常 taking large steps in our life pushes us outside of our comfort zones but being outside 我们的舒适区才会有真正的进步. 心理准备才是正道 to push through these uncomfortable moments 和 thoughts, but the reward to you is much more impactful than the temporary uncomfortableness that comes from taking action.
A Counselor guided career planning 和 exploration session is an excellent opportunity for MCC students to be guided through the career planning 和 exploration 过程. Unlike the self-guided career planning 和 exploration, these sessions are collaborative allowing the Counselor to provide career guidance based on the outcomes of our innovative Virtual Job Shadow tool 也 as other tools 和 resources.
职业规划与探索 sessions require a commitment, 和 appointments are 适用于MCC学生. 安排了职业规划和探索课程 时长60分钟. The first session will typically include an introduction of the Career Counselor, goals of the career planning 和 exploration session, general discussion regarding career interests or goals, 和 are typically concluded with access 到我们的虚拟工作影子在线平台. 第二次会议定于晚些时候举行 date for the students 和 career counselor to review the outcomes of the Virtual Job Shadow activity with the goal of our students leaving their second session with a 与他们的职业目标相一致的学习计划.
There are several ways to schedule a 职业规划与探索 session 和 sessions 可以面对面或虚拟举行:
(810) 762-0331